Residential & Commercial Services
We carry out repairs to all types of Double glazing from Tilt & turn window repairs to Window handle replacement.
If it's just a small double glazed broken pane of glass or a large commercial Solar controlled IGU then we have the expertise to help.
Repairs to all types of doors including Bi-fold doors , Sliding patio doors , French doors domestic and commercial.

Broken Double Glazed window glass replacement
We can replace your broken double glazed window fast and efficiently. Please feel free to contact us for a free no obligation quote just click above or give us a buzz.

All types and sizes of Double Glazed window Hinges replaced
We can supply & fit all types of window hinges/friction, Tilt and turn window and door repairs.
Our *Universal Hinges fit almost any size Double glazed window.

Double Glazed window Handles replaced
We can supply & fit any type of Handle for any window.Experts in sourcing original like for match up handles or completely change the colour style of your handles.

0800 193 0313
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